Press Releases
Introducing the New and Improved Keeogo+TM
Québec City (Quebec) September 22, 2021 – B-Temia Inc. is proud to announce the launch of a brand-new version of its flagship product, Keeogo. Commercialized under the name Keeogo+, the new smart powered orthosis is designed to improve the experience of both users and clinicians – and to be an even greater game changer.
Based on comments from its market monitoring, B-Temia created Keeogo+ to bring novel features for easy fit and intuitive configuration to improve the clinicians' efficiency and save setup time between patients. Additionally, the design of Keeogo+ improves the comfort and the fitting capability for the patients, thus provides a better sense of transparency between the user and the apparatus.
Mr. Stéphane Bédard, President and CEO of B-Temia Inc. said: “We are very proud to launch this new version of our motorized walking assistance device and we are confident that Keeogo+'s new features will significantly increase the effectiveness and the easiness of use for both patients and clinicians. Mr. Bédard added: “Keeogo+ is a notch closer to the users as it refines its applicability to the mobility industry”.
About Keeogo+™
Keeogo+, short for “Keep on going”, is a lower limb powered human mobility device developed by B-Temia. Its proprietary DermoskeletonTM technology is a novel type of lightweight exoskeleton. It detects, responds and then supports an individual's movements with an AI-based advanced software and a motorized assistance. Keeogo+ has benefited those with stroke, knee osteoarthritis, muscular or neuro-degenerative conditions, spinal cord and other injuries affecting mobility. KeeogoTM is used as rehabilitation equipment in clinics or as a personal assistive device at home, work and in the community to aid with daily activities. Keeogo+ is commercially available in Canada, Europe and Asia. For more information, please visit our web site
About B-Temia Inc.
Founded in 2010, B-Temia is an innovative Canadian robotics tech company that develops and markets cutting-edge products for the growing market of human augmentation systems. B-Temia operates through a global network of companies, including B-Temia Inc., B-Temia Asia and BTemia USA Inc., in the medical, industrial and military fields. B-Temia owns a patented technology called Dermoskeleton™ that restores, maintains or enhances the mobility of users. For more information, please visit:
B-Temia Inc.
4780 Saint-Félix Street, Suite 105
Quebec G3A 2J9
Phone: +1-418-653-1010
E-mail: [email protected]
Anne Rulkin
Phone: +1-418-955-2738
E-mail: [email protected]